

How to Install ZNC

wget http://znc.in/releases/znc-latest.tar.gz
tar -xzf znc-latest.tar.gz
cd znc-0.206
make or gmake
./znc --makeconf

Step 3

Run through the wizard. If you’re unsure, just stick with the default values given in the square brackets and hit Enter. If you like, enable the Global module ‘webadmin’. To make ZNC connect to ZemraChat, enter ‘irc.zemra.org’ as the IRC server. For the port, you can stick with 6667, but leave SSL off. If you would like to use SSL, enter 6697 as the port and say ‘yes’ to the enable SSL function.

Using ZNC

Assuming you’ve loaded the ‘webadmin’ module under ‘global’ modules in the making of the configuration, you can configure your ZNC through your web browser. Navigate to the IP and port you bound ZNC to in your browser. Log in, and you’ll be presented with a screen that lets you add users and control many aspects of the bouncer itself.


Which way should I choose for installing ZNC?
If you don’t have root access, the only way is to use source tarball. You’ll need to use ./configure --prefix=$HOME/znc as described.
If you have root access, you can use either source tarball or the convenient way for your distro. Check section about your distro for details, but be aware that these may contain old versions of ZNC!

Once you have installed ZNC, you can create a config file with znc --makeconf.

Source Tarball

Official source tarballs can be found here.

If you want to compile ZNC with OpenSSL support, you need the OpenSSL development package. On Debian/Ubuntu this is called libssl-dev, on CentOS/Fedora/Red Hat it’s openssl-devel.

  1. wget http://znc.in/releases/znc-0.206.tar.gz
  2. tar -xzvf znc*.*gz
  3. cd znc*
  4. ./configure
    (use --prefix=$HOME/znc if you don’t want a system wide installation or simply don’t have root; use --with-openssl=/path/to/openssl if you have a non-standard SSL path)
    (use --enable-extra to configure (and additionally --enable-tcl for modtcl) to include the whole extra package)
  5. make
    (if you are on a dedicated server and your CPU has more than one core, you can use make -jX where X is the number of CPU cores to speed up compilation)
  6. make install

Please note that compiling can take 5-10mins or more.

Once you have installed znc, you can use znc --makeconf to make a configuration file for ZNC.

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