How To Install UnrealIRCD
Si Instalohet UnrealIRCD
wget http://shkarko.zemra.org/irc/Unreal3.2.10.4.tar.gz
tar xfz Unreal3.2.10.4.tar.gz
rm -rf Unreal3.2.10.4.tar.gz
cd Unreal3.2.10.4
anti-spoof protection? No
directory with configuration files? hit enter
path to ircd binary? hit enter
hub or leaf? Hub
hostname? Type the subdomain created earlier
default permissions? 0600
SSL support? No (or Yes if you are a security addict)
IPv6 support? No
enable ziplinks? No (unless you're linking with another IRCD)
enable remote includes? No (again, unless you're linking)
enable prefixes? Yes (totally up to you)
listen backlog? 5 is fine, hit enter
nickname history? 2000 is fine, hit enter
max SendQ
length? hit enter
buffer pools? hit enter
file descriptors? hit enter
more parameters? hit enter
make ose gmake
cp doc/example.conf unrealircd.conf
now configure unrealircd.conf file
* Unrealircd.conf by DeviL (Info@Zemra.Org).
/* Type of comments */
#Comment type 1 (Shell type)
// Comment type 2(C++ style)
/* Comment type 3 (C Style) */
#those lines are ignored by the ircd.
/* FOR *NIX, uncomment the following 2lines: */
loadmodule “src/modules/commands.so”;
loadmodule “src/modules/cloak.so”;
#loadmodule “src/modules/antirandom.so”;
#loadmodule “src/modules/hideserver.so”;
#loadmodule “src/modules/nocolorumode.so”;
#loadmodule “src/modules/antimoon.so”;
#loadmodule “src/modules/m_privdeaf.so”;
/* FOR Windows, uncomment the following 2 lines: */
//loadmodule “modules/commands.dll”;
//loadmodule “modules/cloak.dll”;
include “help.conf”;
include “badwords.channel.conf”;
include “badwords.message.conf”;
include “badwords.quit.conf”;
include “spamfilter.conf”;
name “Irc.Zemra.Org”;
info ” – 12Zemra e Shqiptarit”;
numeric 10;
admin {
“Server: Irc.Zemra.Org”;
“Admin: «« 12Admin »»”;
“E-Mail: 12Admin@Zemra.Org”; };
class clients
pingfreq 90;
maxclients 500;
sendq 1000000;
recvq 8000;
class servers
pingfreq 90;
maxclients 10; /* Max servers we can have linked at a time */
sendq 10000000;
connfreq 100; /* How many seconds between each connection attempt */
allow {
ip *@*;
hostname *@*.static.tpgi.com.au;
class clients;
maxperip 10;
allow channel {
channel “#ALbaChat”;
allow channel {
channel “#Ndihme”;
allow channel {
channel “#Ops”;
deny channel {
channel “*#*”;
reason “Nuk lejohet hapja e kanaleve të reja! Për më shumë info, kontaktoni Administratorët e serverit!”;
redirect “#ALbaChat”;
link Services.Zemra.Org {
username *;
bind-ip *;
port 4444;
hub *;
password-connect “Services”;
password-receive “Services”;
class servers;
options {
link Stats.Zemra.Org {
username *;
bind-ip *;
port 4444;
hub *;
password-connect “Links”;
password-receive “Links”;
class servers;
options {
ulines {
drpass {
restart “Restart”;
die “Die”;
log “ircd.log” {
/* Delete the log file and start a new one when it reaches 2MB, leave this out to always use the
same log */
maxsize 2097152;
flags {
// This points the command /nickserv to the user NickServ who is connected to the set::services-server server
/*alias NickServ {
target “NickServ”;
type services;
// If you want the command to point to the same nick as the command, you can leave the nick entry out
//alias ChanServ { type services; };
// Points the /statserv command to the user StatServ on the set::stats-server server
//alias StatServ { type stats; };
// Points the /superbot command to the user SuperBot
//alias SuperBot { type normal; };
/* Standard aliases */
alias nickserv { type services; };
alias ns { nick nickserv; type services; };
alias chanserv { type services; };
alias cs { nick chanserv; type services; };
alias memoserv { type services; };
alias ms { nick memoserv; type services; };
alias operserv { type services; };
alias os { nick operserv; type services; };
alias helpserv { type services; };
alias hs { nick helpserv; type services; };
alias irciihelp { type services; };
alias statserv { type services; };
alias ss { nick statserv; type services; };
alias botserv { type services; };
alias bs { nick botserv; type services; };
alias NickServ { type services; };
alias ChanServ { type services; };
alias OperServ { type services; };
alias HelpServ { type services; };
alias StatServ { type stats; };
alias “identify” {
format “^#” {
target “chanserv”;
type services;
parameters “IDENTIFY %1-“;
format “^[^#]” {
target “nickserv”;
type services;
parameters “IDENTIFY %1-“;
type command;
/* Standard aliases */
alias “services” {
format “^#” {
target “chanserv”;
type services;
parameters “%1-“;
format “^[^#]” {
target “nickserv”;
type services;
parameters “%1-“;
type command;
alias “identify” {
format “^#” {
target “chanserv”;
type services;
parameters “IDENTIFY %1-“;
format “^[^#]” {
target “nickserv”;
type services;
parameters “IDENTIFY %1-“;
type command;
/* This is an example of a real command alias */
/* This maps /GLINEBOT to /GLINE <parameter> 2d etc… */
alias “glinebot” {
format “.+” {
command “gline”;
type real;
parameters “%1 +0 4Bots are not allowed in this server – 12Gline@Zemra.Org”;
type command;
tld {
mask *@*;
motd “ircd.motd”;
rules “ircd.rules”;
opermotd “ircd.opermotd”;
ban nick {
mask “*Serv*”;
reason “Reserved for Services”;
ban ip {
reason “Delinked server”;
ban server {
mask eris.berkeley.edu;
reason “Get out of here.”;
ban user {
mask *tirc@*.saturn.bbn.com;
reason “Idiot”;
ban realname {
mask “www.AlbaTok.com”;
reason “Ndro Relaname”;
ban realname {
mask “WwW.Tivendos.Net”;
reason “Ndro Relaname”;
except ban {
/* don’t ban stskeeps */
mask *!*Zemra*@*;
deny dcc { filename “*sub7*”; reason “DCC Trojan…”; };
deny dcc { filename “*vbs*”; reason “virus/trojan i mundshem, dcc nuk lejohet.”; };
deny dcc { filename “*bat*”; reason “virus/trojan i mundshem, dcc nuk lejohet.”; };
deny dcc { filename “*com*”; reason “virus/trojan i mundshem, dcc nuk lejohet.”; };
deny dcc { filename “*exe*”; reason “virus/trojan i mundshem, dcc nuk lejohet.”; };
vhost {
vhost Operator.Zemra.Org;
from {
userhost *@*;
login operator;
password zemra;
vhost {
vhost Operatore.Zemra.Org;
from {
userhost *@*;
login operatore;
password zemra;
/* You can include other configuration files */
/* include “klines.conf”; */
/* Network configuration */
set {
network-name “Zemra”;
default-server “Irc.Zemra.Org”;
services-server “services.Zemra.Org”;
stats-server “stats.zemra.Org”;
help-channel “#Ndihme”;
hiddenhost-prefix “Zemra”;
prefix-quit “12Vizitor nga 4«« ¤ 12www.Zemra.Org4 ¤ »»”;
/* Cloak keys should be the same at all servers on the network.
* They are used for generating masked hosts and should be kept secret.
* The keys should be 3 random strings of 5-100 characters
* (10-20 chars is just fine) and must consist of lowcase (a-z),
* upcase (A-Z) and digits (0-9) [see first key example].
cloak-keys {
/* on-oper host */
hosts {
local “IRCop.Zemra.Org”;
global “IRCop.Zemra.Org”;
coadmin “Co-Admin.Zemra.Org”;
admin “Admin.Zemra.Org”;
servicesadmin “Services-Admin.Zemra.Org”;
netadmin “NetAdmin.Zemra.Org”;
host-on-oper-up “yes”;
/* Server specific configuration */
set {
kline-address “GLine@Zemra.Org”;
modes-on-connect “+icxvw”;
auto-join “#ALbaChat”;
modes-on-join “+ntrVCTfj 3:1 [5j#R1,7m#M5,2n#N1,7t#b]:3”;
modes-on-oper “+Wxwgspq”;
restrict-usermodes “icvwx”;
snomask-on-oper “+cFfkejvGnNqsSo”;
oper-auto-join “#ALbaChat,#Ndihme,#Ops,#Staff”;
dns {
timeout 2s;
retries 2;
options {
/* You can enable ident checking here if you want */
maxchannelsperuser 15;
anti-spam-quit-message-time 10s;
static-quit “12Vizitor nga 4«« ¤ 12www.Zemra.Org4 ¤ »»”;
static-part “Client Parted from 4«« ¤ 12www.Zemra.Org4 ¤ »»”;
// flat-map “Nuk keni access te mjafueshëm për komandën /map”;
// flat-links “Nuk keni access te mjafueshëm për komandën /links.”;
oper-only-stats “*”;
/* Throttling: this example sets a limit of 3 connection attempts per 60s (per host). */
throttle {
connections 3;
period 60s;
/* Anti flood protection */
anti-flood {
nick-flood 2:60; /* 3 nickchanges per 60 seconds (the default) */
/* Spam filter */
spamfilter {
ban-time 1d; /* default duration of a *line ban set by spamfilter */
ban-reason “Spam/Advertising”; /* default reason */
virus-help-channel “#Ndihme”; /* channel to use for ‘viruschan’ action */
/* except “#Ndihme”; channel to exempt from filtering */
* Unrealircd.conf by DeviL (Info@Zemra.Org).
* For any help visite http://www.Zemra.Org
* Unrealircd.conf by HitMan (Info@Zemra.Org).
*//* Type of comments */
#Comment type 1 (Shell type)
// Comment type 2(C++ style)
/* Comment type 3 (C Style) */
#those lines are ignored by the ircd./* FOR *NIX, uncomment the following 2lines: */
loadmodule “src/modules/commands.so”;
loadmodule “src/modules/cloak.so”;
loadmodule “src/modules/antirandom.so”;
loadmodule “src/modules/hideserver.so”;
loadmodule “src/modules/nocolorumode.so”;
loadmodule “src/modules/antimoon.so”;
loadmodule “src/modules/m_privdeaf.so”;/* FOR Windows, uncomment the following 2 lines: */
//loadmodule “modules/commands.dll”;
//loadmodule “modules/cloak.dll”;include “help.conf”;
include “badwords.channel.conf”;
include “badwords.message.conf”;
include “badwords.quit.conf”;
include “spamfilter.conf”;
include “oper.conf”;
include “badnick.conf”;
include “exception.conf”;me
name “Irc.Zemra.Org”;
info ” – 12Zemra e Shqiptarit”;
numeric 10;
};admin {
“Server: Irc.Zemra.Org”;
“Admin: «« 12Admin »»”;
“E-Mail: 12Admin@Zemra.Org”; };class clients
pingfreq 90;
maxclients 500;
sendq 100000;
recvq 8000;
};class servers
pingfreq 90;
maxclients 10; /* Max servers we can have linked at a time */
sendq 1000000;
connfreq 100; /* How many seconds between each connection attempt */
allow {
ip *@*;
hostname *@*.static.tpgi.com.au;
class clients;
maxperip 10;
allow channel {
channel “#ALbaChat”;
allow channel {
channel “#Ndihme”;
allow channel {
channel “#Ops”;
deny channel {
channel “*#*”;
reason “Nuk lejohet hapja e kanaleve të reja! Për më shumë info, kontaktoni Administratorët e serverit!”;
redirect “#ALbaChat”;
set {
antirandom {
threshold 5;
ban-action gzline;
ban-time 100d;
ban-reason “4Ju lutemi ri-lidhuni prej 12http://Chat.Zemra.Org/”;
fullstatus-on-load yes;
show-failedconnects yes;
except-hosts {
link Services.Zemra.Org {
username *;
bind-ip *;
port 3366;
hub *;
password-connect “Services”;
password-receive “Services”;
class servers;
options {
link Stats.Zemra.Org {
username *;
bind-ip *;
port 3366;
hub *;
password-connect “Links”;
password-receive “Links”;
class servers;
options {
ulines {
drpass {
restart “RestartBaby”;
die “DieMama”;
log “ircd.log” {
/* Delete the log file and start a new one when it reaches 2MB, leave this out to always use the
same log */
maxsize 2097152;
flags {
// This points the command /nickserv to the user NickServ who is connected to the set::services-server server
/*alias NickServ {
target “NickServ”;
type services;
// If you want the command to point to the same nick as the command, you can leave the nick entry out
//alias ChanServ { type services; };
// Points the /statserv command to the user StatServ on the set::stats-server server
//alias StatServ { type stats; };
// Points the /superbot command to the user SuperBot
//alias SuperBot { type normal; };
/* Standard aliases */
alias nickserv { type services; };
alias ns { nick nickserv; type services; };
alias chanserv { type services; };
alias cs { nick chanserv; type services; };
alias memoserv { type services; };
alias ms { nick memoserv; type services; };
alias operserv { type services; };
alias os { nick operserv; type services; };
alias helpserv { type services; };
alias hs { nick helpserv; type services; };
alias irciihelp { type services; };
alias statserv { type services; };
alias ss { nick statserv; type services; };
alias botserv { type services; };
alias bs { nick botserv; type services; };
alias NickServ { type services; };
alias ChanServ { type services; };
alias OperServ { type services; };
alias HelpServ { type services; };
alias StatServ { type stats; };
alias “identify” {
format “^#” {
target “chanserv”;
type services;
parameters “IDENTIFY %1-“;
format “^[^#]” {
target “nickserv”;
type services;
parameters “IDENTIFY %1-“;
type command;
/* Standard aliases */
alias “services” {
format “^#” {
target “chanserv”;
type services;
parameters “%1-“;
format “^[^#]” {
target “nickserv”;
type services;
parameters “%1-“;
type command;
alias “identify” {
format “^#” {
target “chanserv”;
type services;
parameters “IDENTIFY %1-“;
format “^[^#]” {
target “nickserv”;
type services;
parameters “IDENTIFY %1-“;
type command;
/* This is an example of a real command alias */
/* This maps /GLINEBOT to /GLINE <parameter> 2d etc… */
alias “glinebot” {
format “.+” {
command “gline”;
type real;
parameters “%1 +0 4Bots are not allowed in this server – 12Gline@Zemra.Org”;
type command;
tld {
mask *@*;
motd “ircd.motd”;
rules “ircd.rules”;
opermotd “ircd.opermotd”;
ban nick {
mask “*Serv*”;
reason “Reserved for Services”;
ban ip {
reason “Delinked server”;
ban server {
mask eris.berkeley.edu;
reason “Get out of here.”;
ban user {
mask *tirc@*.saturn.bbn.com;
reason “Idiot”;
ban realname {
mask “www.AlbaTok.com”;
reason “Ndro Relaname”;
ban realname {
mask “WwW.Tivendos.Net”;
reason “Ndro Relaname”;
except ban {
/* don’t ban stskeeps */
mask *!*Zemra*@*;
deny dcc { filename “*sub7*”; reason “DCC Trojan…”; };
deny dcc { filename “*vbs*”; reason “virus/trojan i mundshem, dcc nuk lejohet.”; };
deny dcc { filename “*bat*”; reason “virus/trojan i mundshem, dcc nuk lejohet.”; };
deny dcc { filename “*com*”; reason “virus/trojan i mundshem, dcc nuk lejohet.”; };
deny dcc { filename “*exe*”; reason “virus/trojan i mundshem, dcc nuk lejohet.”; };
vhost {
vhost Operator.Zemra.Org;
from {
userhost *@*;
login operator;
password zemra;
vhost {
vhost Operatore.Zemra.Org;
from {
userhost *@*;
login operatore;
password zemra;
/* You can include other configuration files */
/* include “klines.conf”; */
/* Network configuration */
set {
network-name “Zemra”;
default-server “Irc.Zemra.Org”;
services-server “services.Zemra.Org”;
stats-server “stats.zemra.Org”;
help-channel “#Ndihme”;
hiddenhost-prefix “Zemra”;
prefix-quit “12Vizitor nga 4«« ¤ 12www.Zemra.Org4 ¤ »»”;
/* Cloak keys should be the same at all servers on the network.
* They are used for generating masked hosts and should be kept secret.
* The keys should be 3 random strings of 5-100 characters
* (10-20 chars is just fine) and must consist of lowcase (a-z),
* upcase (A-Z) and digits (0-9) [see first key example].
cloak-keys {
/* on-oper host */
hosts {
local “IRCop.Zemra.Org”;
global “IRCop.Zemra.Org”;
coadmin “Co-Admin.Zemra.Org”;
admin “Admin.Zemra.Org”;
servicesadmin “Services-Admin.Zemra.Org”;
netadmin “NetAdmin.Zemra.Org”;
host-on-oper-up “yes”;
/* Server specific configuration */
set {
kline-address “GLine@Zemra.Org”;
modes-on-connect “+icxvw”;
auto-join “#ALbaChat”;
modes-on-join “+ntrVCTfj 3:1 [5j#R1,7m#M5,2n#N1,7t#b]:3”;
modes-on-oper “+Wxwgspq”;
restrict-usermodes “icvwx”;
snomask-on-oper “+cFfkejvGnNqsSo”;
oper-auto-join “#ALbaChat,#Ndihme,#Ops,#Staff”;
dns {
timeout 2s;
retries 2;
options {
/* You can enable ident checking here if you want */
maxchannelsperuser 15;
anti-spam-quit-message-time 10s;
static-quit “12Vizitor nga 4«« ¤ 12www.Zemra.Org4 ¤ »»”;
static-part “Client Parted from 4«« ¤ 12www.Zemra.Org4 ¤ »»”;
// flat-map “Nuk keni access te mjafueshëm për komandën /map”;
// flat-links “Nuk keni access te mjafueshëm për komandën /links.”;
oper-only-stats “*”;
/* Throttling: this example sets a limit of 3 connection attempts per 60s (per host). */
throttle {
connections 3;
period 60s;
/* Anti flood protection */
anti-flood {
nick-flood 2:60; /* 3 nickchanges per 60 seconds (the default) */
/* Spam filter */
spamfilter {
ban-time 1d; /* default duration of a *line ban set by spamfilter */
ban-reason “Spam/Advertising”; /* default reason */
virus-help-channel “#Ndihme”; /* channel to use for ‘viruschan’ action */
/* except “#Ndihme”; channel to exempt from filtering */
disable-map yes;
disable-links yes;
map-deny-message “*** /Map Nuk keni autorizim për këtë komandë”;
links-deny-message “*** /Links Nuk keni autorizim për këtë komandë”;
* Unrealircd.conf by DeviL (Info@Zemra.Org).
* For any help visite http://www.Zemra.Org
* Added by DeviL!EviL@203-219-73-176.static.tpgi.com.au
* oper TeSt { class clients; from { userhost *@*; }; password “tEsT”; flags { netadmin; }; };